A Simple idea to help with Project Life.

I know there are a lot of free digital templates out there for Becky Higgins Project Life page protectors, I love those for scribbling notes in. However, I found that when I sat down with my photos for the week, I start by sorting my photos in my album on top of the page protector because I need to move them around and visually see how they will fit. Moving the album on and off my desk got real annoying so I tried just having the page protector out in the open to pop down on my desk to stay until I finished arranging and embellishing. This worked out far better! I only had a problem of the page protectors sliding around everywhere because I wanted one of each of the plastics out to decide which to use.

So here is what I did to solve my problem, its such a simple idea I had to share! I took those page protectors (one of every design, A-J) and slipped in a solid color piece of cardstock (you could even slip in grid or plain cards if you wanted), I put the corresponding letter in the upper left hand corner with some old sticker numbers I had and hooked them all on a large binder ring. I keep this on a hook that is on my Raskog cart from Ikea that way I can easily grab it and decide what design I want to use.

photo (1)photo (2)photo

Super simple right? It made a big difference for me though and now I am branching out to add more PP styles and inserts in my album. Maybe this little tip will help you too!

Happy Crafting!

11 thoughts on “A Simple idea to help with Project Life.

  1. Organized and Efficient you are! Thank you for all you wonderful tips and creations! Happy Project Life’ing to you!!! heehee!

  2. Hey there 🙂

    I’m from Denmark and I have a question… Where can I by those plastic pockets you used at the picture? The committee in Denmark is very little – so maybe you can be so kind to help me out 🙂 🙂 Thank You.. Loving greetings Camilla

    1. Hi Camilla!
      Those are Becky Higgins page protectors. She’s is creator of the project life system. The good news is that many international retailers will be carrying her product very soon. Check out this link and remember new retailers are getting added all the time. http://www.beckyhiggins.com/retailers/ please let me know if I can help any further.

      1. Hallo 🙂

        Thank you so much for your very quick answer.. 🙂 I hope her products will come to Denmark to.. I will go “check” her webside out.. Ones again thank you for your answer and kindness.. Camilla 🙂

      2. Anytime! I am happy to help. There are a lot of scrapbookers from Denmark so you will be in good company! — Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

        On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 4:13 AM, The Crafty Pick

  3. Awesome idea! I do my pages digitally for my PL album for this year, but this will be good to keep in mind when I work on some travel albums!

  4. I been planning for a DIY coloring book like this and this simple walk through really helps me to figure out my own DIY coloring book! That Honey Bee Zen Bouquet and Zen floral are just the perfect sets for current in trend coloring! What a fabulous idea for a gift ! I bought these sets during the Labor Day sale, so I m ready!

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