Rainbows make me HAPPY!

Using a nail polish display to organize your ink mist, glitter, and embossing powder. More at www.thecraftypickle.com

I think Rainbows make most people happy, but they have to make papercrafters ESPECIALLY happy! Which is why I couldn’t wait to show you my organization for my ink mists, Glitter, and embossing powder!

I have played around with organization on these items a few times… nothing really seemed to quite work… and as I was trying out different methods I was accumulating more colors of everything. There is something about a new bottle of Mister Huey that makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

I saw a few ideas around pinterest and organization groups like this one, and i thought spice racks would be just the thing… but I don’t have much wall space in my craft studio so it left me with little options.

Then one day I was browsing Amazon and I found THESE!!!

Using a Nail polish display as storage for ink,glitter, and embossing powder. More at www.TheCraftyPickle.com

Nail polish displays!!! You can find them on amazon HERE, but shop around to find the best deal. Just make sure that if you get more then one and you want them to line up even with each other, you purchase from the same company as the measurements on these guys can vary.

I was so excited when I got them in the mail that I started organizing my things right away…. even when I didn’t have my shelves up yet (still waiting on those). My original plan was just to organize my ink mists *if* the rack happened to work….

Using a nail polish display to organize your ink mist, glitter, and embossing powder. More at www.thecraftypickle.com Using a nail polish display to organize your ink mist, glitter, and embossing powder. More at www.thecraftypickle.com

well, It worked for me! I was so excited, and admittedly, I just stood there for a little while starring at my pretty inky rainbow, ignoring the rest of my disorganized room that I had been working on. Then a couple of days later i was trying to figure out where to stick some of my other supplies like glitter and embossing powder…. they had been in a drawer and a little cabinet but it wasn’t working very well for me. I thought for sure the embossing jars wouldn’t fit on the nail polish display as they were wider…. but they did!

Using a nail polish display to organize your ink mist, glitter, and embossing powder. More at www.thecraftypickle.com

The embossing spinner is the same style I used for my sequins station in a previous post. I keep my most used embossing powders here… White, Clear, Black, Silver, Gold… This I had for a while I just moved the location. If you missed the Sequins Station I posted a while back HERE is the link to that post with all the information on what I used.

Using a nail polish display to organize your ink mist, glitter, and embossing powder. More at www.thecraftypickle.com

I hope you enjoyed my little happy rainbow. If you are looking for even MORE inspiration check out this blog: Life, Scrapbook, Repeat Toni has some awesome ideas she gathered along with her own pretty little rainbow 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

The Crafty Pickle

11 thoughts on “Rainbows make me HAPPY!

    1. A medium case retails for 16.95. For me the organization and keeping my cards and things dust free made it worth the investment. Have you thought about becoming a consultant? CTMH has been the best direct sales companies I have ever worked with!

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