Love is in the air

Happy Monday Crafty Friends!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Today our designer, Alicia, has a couple of great cards to share with you. Are you in the valentine spirit yet? Take a look!


Alicia here I  been  very  busy  with  family but  I had some time to play with TCP flair!   I’m getting ready for Valentine’s Day next month, here are two cards that I made, I hope they inspire you to create your own Valentine or love themed cards using the adorable flair in The Crafty Pickle shop!

Here they are! I hope you like them!

This is the inside of the card.
Before i gone be sure to visit our various Social Media sites, we have giveaways and inspiration all the time! (Links to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube are on the right hand side bar)
Be sure to check out the Etsy shop HERE for all the flair used in today’s projects!


Thanks so much, Alicia. I love the sweet touch that the flair added. Also that you used fall/seasonal flair to make a valentine! Great versatility! 

Happy Crafting!

The Crafty Pickle

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